

The Watcher - Basing and painting... WIP

More progress with The Watcher over the last few weeks...

The base piece for the Watcher comes with a small rocky outcrop, with the skeletal remains of 3 dwarves  lying up on it. But the rest of the base would be flat with no further detail. So I wanted to build it up a bit, and used a bit of cork tile, some DAS clay, a little Greenstuff and some model railway ballast to jazz it up a bit. I cut two holes in the cork tile, these will be filled with Woodlands Scenics - Realistic Water to effect two murky pools as befits the Watchers watery realm...

The completed Watcher was spray undercoated black then base coated in Foundry 28A Phlegm Green... The base was also black undercoated...

The tentacles also received the same treatment. These have been mounted on 3mm MDF 40mm discs.

I have subsequently washed the Watcher and tentacles in Vallejo Back wash, and then dry brushed up the base in shades of gray and made a start painting the skeletal dwarves.

The green areas were then drybrushed back up with 28A, then 28B...

For those not 'in the know', Foundry do a great range of paints with each colour available in three shades; dark being A, mid tone B, and highlight C. So you always know which pot of paint to grab! Easy! And they can now be purchased as individual paints, rather than only as sets of 3, as you always use more of the darker and mid tone shades than the highlights... You also get 18mls of paint per pot, compared to 12ml in GW paints...

The under sides were then painted up in Foundry Flesh 5A..., washed with a GW Ogryn Flesh wash, and highlight lined with Foundry 5B Flesh.... this was the laborious part...

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