

NachtJaeger and SchreckWulfen - Konflict '47.

Managed to finish off my NachtJaeger and SchreckWulfen for Konflict 47 today.

Nazi Scientists desperate to gain an edge over the allies, resort to splicing canine and human DNA and create the Schreckwulfen or 'werewolves' ... emboldened by the success of this experiment they go on to add bat, alligator and reptile DNA creating the terrifying NachtJaeger... a pseudo-vampiric horror... Gothic horror has come to the battlefields of Europe...

Based on DIY 30mm Dia bases which I think better suited both models, made from 1mm sytene sheet.
I enjoyed modeling and painting these creatures up as they were quite different to things I've painted before.
Great to have a chance to use the blood effects paint from GW 'blood for the blood god'... which I rarely get a chance to legitimately use...
And some nice base decoration tufts from Gamersgrass: 2mm dark moss and 6mm dry tuft.
I decided to stick with regular issue Whermacht field grey for their pants ... I thought about doing SS camouflage pants but figured these being largely nocturnal hunters they probably wouldn't need the camouflage...
Looking forward to trying these beasties out in a game now they're painted😀
KONFLICT 47 - A super cool extension to the events of WWII...
reade more... Résuméabuiyad