

Isengard Uruk-Hai Scout Command

With the Causeway piece completed, I'll be turning my terrain building activity back to Balin's Tomb, I think... but looking forward again, to model requirements for the ongoing Fellowship Campaign and on to the Two Towers I have recently completed more Uruk-Hai scouts and command figures to lead them...

These figures will be required for the Amon Hen scenario, and on through the Isengard versus Rohan scenarios of the Two Towers, where they will feature in the Battles of the Fords of Isen, the Burning of the WestFold and of course Helms Deep...

All metal figures this time... but they will compliment the plastic set of Uruk-Hai scouts I completed a couple of months back now...

Scout banner above and drummer below... these came out as a twin pack some time ago, probably as part of the required releases for the WOTR game. The banner I can certainly use but the drummer no longer has specific stats in the current SBG game.

There is an orc drummer in the Mordor list, who is a character hero so perhaps I could borrow his stats and abilities as an 'ally' and proxy this figure into the force that way? Would need a bit of a houserule players agreement to pull off... otherwise it can simply be a regular Uruk scout just to use the cool figure... love the thigh bone as a drum stick!

Next up is Mauhur... Mauhur wasn't in the movies but does feature in the book, although more as reference by Ugluk, when he talks of other scout warbands in the area...

If you take Mauhur, you can upgrade your scouts to 'marauders', increasing their move from 6" to 8".


Another uruk leader is Vrasku, with his famed crossbow. Vrasku didnt make it into the monies but he is creditted in the books as being the one to shoot down Theodred at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen. He was later killed by Erkenbrand, at the Second battle at the Ford...

Lurtz, needs no introduction!A well know Uruk Leader from the movies, but not one from the book! Never the less he is a very useful commander of the Uruks, and is clearly required for the Amon Hen scenario!

More metal Uruks with shields, to bolster the numbers of troops I need at Amon Hen...

Uruk Scouts

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