

What's in a number? It must be the spambots!?

Like most bloggers I have always been interested in the amount of traffic the blog attracts, and obviously hope that I am appealing to at least few good souls out there in my hobby related ramblings...

So I often look over the stats Blogger offers...

Here's a recent snap shot:

Page views yesterday ties in with a recent blog post ( Edward Kenway), and shows a days blog activity of about 900 hits that day... That's consistent with what I have seen with my recent traffic which is usually about 7-800 hits per day normally and peaks at about 900-1100 when I put up an interesting blog post...

However wondering what the 'real picture' may be I downloaded another blog hit counter, called Statcounter, and gave that a whirl alongside. Here's what it came up with over the same last week:

A similar peak coinciding with the blog post yesterday, but at 360 hits, it s a lot less than the quoted 900 Blogger hit stats... so just what is blogger recording? Is it all those Spambot hits too, whereas Statcounter is managing to filter these out somehow?

I don't know, but thought it interesting to mention here!

For those interested Statcounter is easy to add to your blog, with clear instructions to follow on their website and it's FREE! Check it out!


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