

Black Sails - The Corsairs of Umbar!

Just managed to beat the (self imposed) end of October deadline... and finished my Corsairs of Umbar (plastic set of 24), lead by Dalymir the Fleetmaster, Captain and Bo'sun (PJ!)...

Black Sails on the horizon, ready to lay waste to the coastline of Gondor and its Fiefdoms... I scratch made the ship several years ago, but then never got round to painting up the crew!

Now shes ready to properly set sail...

Raiding the Docks at Harlond... all ashore!

Last one to the pub buys the round!

Securing their booty and ships stores...

Dalymir, Captain and Bo'sun lead the mongrol pack...

These guys were originally scheduled for painting back in last years winter painting challenge but the Anzac Diorama stuff postponed their panitjob. Nice to finally get them done albeit ~10 months later...I went with as dark a colour scheme as I could manage yet not just going black as they appeared in the movies... the GW 'eavy metal team had gone with dark blues and purples, but with white/cream sashs... I didnt like the white sash so did mine red... better to match their allied Haradrim cousins I felt, once I start painting them up... and they are next but one on the painting table - Arwen and Gandalf still await finishing touches...

Hoping these guys might see a little action in the not too distant future...

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