

AHWPC - First entry - FoW - SdKfz 250/9 - 15mm

My first entry for the painting Competition this year: (as copied across from AH blog)

"Just a quick post to say I am alive and well and contributing as best as I am able...

I 'break my duck' with a couple of 15mm Flames of War German half tracked recce vehicles, the SdKfz 250/9...

A recce vehicle mounting a 2cm main gun, backed up by Co-ax MG, on a small half-tracked chassis...

I 'picked these up' about middle of last year when my son bought these 2nd hand from the bring and buy stall as a prezzy for me, at the Panzerschrek tournie in Palmy North here in NZ... he's a good lad :)

Quick and easy to paint I figured I would lash some paint on them to get some points rolling in the challenge... a meager start but at least I am still breathing...

Funnily enough it wasn't until I had undercoated and base coated the vehicles that I noticed one had lost part of its front mud guard. This was quickly painted up as battle damage as I couldn't be bothered to try and correct it then!

More ambitious things in the pipeline, so watch this space... I've got a Mumak on the go, and am half way through assembling Smaug... fingers crossed I get them done in time..."

Curt's kind response...
Nicely done Scott and welcome back for this year's journey. As usual your muted camo looks fabulous. I've always had a soft spot for WWII German recce vehicles - they always looked so much more modern and nasty than most of the clunkers the Allies used. 

12 points for you as we await your Mumak (the Tiger of LotR).

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