

Farm cottage for Bolt Action

With getting into Bolt Action, one small problem is not having much in the way of suitable scaled buildings for WWII. 

So I made a small farm cottage to start off my options ... 

Constructed mostly of dense blue foam ( Styrofoam) card stock for roof and shingles, matchsticks for window and door frames and some balsa for floor and door. 

Front above and rear below ..

At first I was just going to have it a solid building, but then decided since it was for skirmish gaming, to have a lift off roof so I sawed the roof off!

So that meant painting the inside as well and giving it a floor...

A US sniper team takes up position above...

And Chris then pleaded for it to have a opening door... So more balsa and some simple glued on card stock hinges effected the door... 

Sniper changes position to shoot out the doorway... 

So that's the first one done. Would ideally have been my 'defensive terrain' entry for the painting challenge but I was no where  near completed at that stage.

It may actually do for other periods too and maybe even LOTR as a Breeland building?

More to come.

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