

There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world...

...Dweller in the Dark...

As mentioned in a prior post, I was going to try out a Dweller in a previous game, but didn't get the model assembled in time...

However with the kids holidays in full swing here for 2 weeks, I took a week off work for child minding duties at home - rather than send them to grandparents for the week. Wifeypoos gets the duties next week. Some walks and bikes rides in the improving spring weather, but when the weather closed in, an excuse to break out the paints and get this guy finished off...

It's also why I have been quiet on the blogging scene for the last week...

Now this is a purely GW incarnation, but one that I do like and admit, it rides a lot on Gandalf's above quote in the post title... it hints at so much that is yet unknown, and undefined...

I think its a great model and Finecast issues aside (I'm slowly getting used to the quirks of this material - and with this one didn't manage to cut my thumb off as I did with the the Watcher...), it went together well. A bit of heating and cooling of the legs (boiling water followed by cold water) to get them to go where I wanted, and the tip of the tail to get it uncurled... and we were just about ready for paint.... I also found an old roll of emery paper in the garage and that works very well at sanding this material down...

Now there's no hiding the fact this beasty's nick name is the 'Baby-Balrog'... and its easy to see why, and admittedly the paint job for both is very similar... think small fire demon and you get the idea... its internal thermal dynamics breaking the skin surface in rivulets here and there...

In the game it provides an interesting alternative to the basic Cave-troll. Only 5 points different in cost, a decent rack of statistics and some interesting special rules... I look forward to giving it a whirl in a game soon, and it will compliment my growing Moria terrain collection...

To give an idea of scale, here it is with Gimli..."Come on if you think you're hard enough!"... you can decide who's the one saying it!

And to further add to the scale question, with the Balrog... so you can see why its called the Baby-Balrog!

The cool thing about this wee beastie, is that it will get used... compared to the Balrog which, whilst a mighty beastie indeed is invariably overkill in smaller, more commonly played, games... and thus rarely gets used in a game... you can probably see the dust on his wings, poor chap! At least the Dweller will get the chance to hit the gaming table and tear a few good guys limb from limb!

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