

A Blogger Interrupted!

Due to unforeseen technical difficulties; my hard drive died in my PC, my blogging output will be somewhat reduced until I get it sorted...

New hard drive has been ordered and delivered, and a new disk for Win7 sourced, to finally update my XP...

And whilst I have got the hard drive hooked up, and it appears to be working, I can't get Win7 to load, so will have to wait till a friendly tech-savvy IT neighbor pops round when he has a free moment, to assist...

Many years ago I once tried to show my father how to program the VHS video recorder... after many attempts I gave up... His reply to my frustration at the time was that, unless he could 'adjust it with a shovel', he wasn't interested...

Many years on I now find I am in the same boat, when it comes to all the tech stuff we have now, computers, Ipods , Ipads and smartfones... etc etc, all leave me bemused!

So hopefully I'll be back up and running in the not too distant future!

In the meantime I'll continue to adjust things with my paintbrush!

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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