

Ruins of Middle-Earth

Having recently got some Gondorian soldiery ready to play with in the game, I felt it was high time I got some suitable scenery made...

The classic battle ground to be fought over for Good and Evil is the once mighty Capital city of Osgiliath, which at the time of the War of the Ring finds itself in ruins... a no-mans land almost, between the forces of Gondor and Mordor as each sides vies for supremacy...  each occupying it for a time as they seize it from the hands of their foe...

So I had a rummage in the off-cuts box of Styrofoam I had, with bits left over from the Durins Causeway build, and set to with the hot wire cutter...

The Stryfoam sheet was 25mm thick, too thick really for basic building walls at this scale , so the off cuts I sliced in half to make approx 12mm thick sheet pieces... These I then scored on a brick pattern 10mm x 20mm, with a black biro...

Made a nice piece with some arches and added a blasa wood floor level... some coarse sand glued on for rubble effects...

Then painted up with craft paints. Grey base coat then white to pick out the bricks... Very simple and inexpensive...

I consciously decided not to base them as I get frustrated when base edges of terrain cause models to topple over...

Some Gondorians defend the ruins above...

A decent start - I've got lots of ideas to elaborate on these first simple designs...

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