

Mustering the Troops!

Things have just happened here,  that have somewhat changed my painting and hobby focus for the next couple of months, and derailed somewhat, my planned painting output for the Anologue Hobbies Painting Challenge...

 I have become caught up in the no doubt frantic activity to get 4000 54mm Anzac and Turk troops assembled and painting in time for their inclusion in a large diorama as part of the commemoration of Anzac Day here in New Zealand, in April, about 50 days away... 

More can be found here;  Mustering the Troops

I received my first installment of 10 models; Turkish troops, on Thursday night and have so far, just  managed to get them all trimmed and glued together...

They still need some greenstuff puty work for a little gap filling...

But other than that I am ready to start priming and painting them...

I feel a little oddly placed doing this in someways...

As a wargaming period, WWI has never been of any interest to me. Nor have I ever painting figures in such a large scale - the last things that came close to this were probably 1/32nd scale plastic toy soldiers as a kid...

And being a relatively recent (10 years ago) British Migrant here in NZ, I don't really have any direct connection to the ANZACs either...

...but I do have enormous respect for their brave efforts, all those years ago, and can equally respect the Turks for steadfastly defending their homelands, against an invading force...

But oddly enough, I think my main motiovator here, is my own desire to do this as a kind of indirect thank you, to Peter Jackson, and the Perry's, who have commisioned and produced these figures respectively... for their prior efforts, in bringing Tolkien's world of Lord of the Rings to life...

If it hadn't been for Peter's movie trilogy, and the Perry's sculpting of the range of GW figures, ... I'd probably still be living in the UK! Nor would I have been able to enjoy playing LOTR SBG for all these years now... So thank you Peter, and the Perry's!

A little voice has just chimed in, reading this over my shoulder, that I have also been given lots of encouragement from wifeypoos to get involved and do my bit... I even got away with not doing the washing up last night, to get on with the work! Long may it continue!

So, I'll wind up here, as the glue has probably dried enough for me to get back to work on the figures!

Stay tuned for more progress...

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