


Tauriel, from GW's Hobbit Line.

I entered this model in the "Hot" Bonus theme round for the Painting Challenge.

Here I was loosely or laterally thinking Hot as in hot babe!

OK she's not quite Xena, but has a certain charm without exposing acres of flesh, and is certainly more dynamic than Arwen, though credit where credit is due for Arwen, for standing up to the Ringwraiths, at least in the movies!

The model is 28mm scale and a plastic kit, which goes together easily and has no resin 'issues'...

I painted her up taking as much colour references I could from the various movie stills throughout this post.

I had a little difficulty with the rear scabbard, trying to figure out exactly how to paint it, but the above shot helped...

I know there has been mixed opinions of Tauriels inclusion in the movies, as she is not in the book, but I like the story arc shes weaves with Legolas and Kili, and it provides a little love interest for non-Tolkien-canon versed female viewers...

The story could perhaps have been a little dull if it were just about 13 dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard trudging across Middle-Earth... so I am happy for her inclusion and her part in the developed and expanded story line by PJ...

I did find the sculpt of the face a little too rounded perhaps for her slim elfin features... so tried a little shading of the cheeks to try and reduce this appearance... and the trousers I did in a maroon/brown, and her boots as brown, as in the above picture, rather than the green colours used by the 'eavy metal team at GW...

I also decided to to use some WS scatter flock, rather than the static grass I normally use as I thought it looked more like the mossy undergrowth of Mirkwood...

The little toadstool adds a little contrast to the whole...

Hope you like it.

Oh!, and she's pretty shit hot in the game too ;-)  Looking forward to giving her a whirl...

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