

The last command...

I got my last batch of Anzac Diorama figures for painting from Sam on Friday night...

10 more Turks; 5 in charging pose with kalpak cover hat, and 5 with trail arms pose and a simple round hat.

Plus 10 more casualties, this time Kiwi's... These will be the first Anzac troops I will have painted so I'll have to get my nose back to the painting guides...

Now Friday night in the Bowman household is usually a relaxing evening, enjoying a family movie or DVD together, with a few tasty nibbles and a little vino for the grown ups...

But not wanting to waste any spare time, now that the deadline is getting real close... I decided to press on with the filing and trimming, and gaze at the TV from afar... but I wasnt going to miss out on my friday night tipple... and rather than get the glass all covered in the metallic dust from the filing, wifepoos came up with a solution...

Red vino through a drinking straw? Needs must at times...

So I made steady progress, friday night, had an archery lesson with No.1 son on Saturday morning, then pressed on with trimming Saturday arvo and evening...

Sunday saw models getting glued together... the attacking pose again needing drilling and pinning... I had picked some Vallejo Plastic Putty, for gap filling, through the week from Mighty Ape at Sams suggestion and I certainly found it better than the GW Liquid Greenstuff... as it didn't shrink on drying...

A blast with brown undercoating spray, and we are good to go for painting...

10 more Turks

I've got the Turks about 75% base coated so far... and will continue pressing on...

10 Kiwi casualties

Not long to go now, feels like every second counts... so what am I doing here?

Back to the paints!

Mustering the Troops

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