

Turks - 2nd batch - WIP

Just a quick picture to show progress today on the 2nd batch of Gallipoli Turks... Base colours blocked in...

This time I have gone with a range of varied shades for the hats, tunics, trousers and puttees... using various shades of khaki, drab, canvas colours... GW Deneb Stone and Foundry 7c, 11b, 12b, 12c, 29b, 29c, 31c.
This was an attempt to break away from the brand new uniform look, and go for a more mottled worn campaign look ...
The shade wash will unify these colours.
Rifle stock was GW Vermin Brown... belts, straps and boots were GW Mournfang Brown. The Covered Kalpak hat I used GW Elf Grey.
Metallics were GW Boltgun...

I'll admit these were a little more fiddly to do than the first batch... and I also had to drill and pin the left hand to the arm for each model, then add a little greenstuff putty to make a wrist as the pose didn't quite line up here, it was about 1-2mm out, enough to be noticeable...

The gap in hand to arm the pose with rifle across chest, makes painting round it a bit awkward, but its a classic rifle carrying pose, so just have to get on with it...

Drilled and pinned... greenstuff wrist sculpted on top afterwards.

So next up, shade wash, and highlights... and then on with the 10 casualty figures which should be much easier... no rifle to worry about and only onse side to paint!

Mustering the Troops

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