

Azog - the pale orc!

I recently finished Azog for The Hobbit / LOTR SBG.

The chief bad guy from the Hobbit movies, he makes a great villain through the Hobbit trilogy, even if his role in the movies is somewhat different to the book and his position in the appendices of LOTR.

I also really liked the fact that we got spoken black speech for the evil orcs in the Hobbit trilogy, compared to the English accents from LOTR...

The model is the Finecast resin stuff from GW, but wasn't too bad this time in terms of flash or bubble holes so was fairly easy to assemble. And the paint job was relatively straight forward... typical dark armour, brown leather and pale skin.

A picture of the full size Azog at Te Papa museum, Wellington, NZ.

And mounted on the White Warg...

A very dynamic pose that I really like, leaping into the action!

They are a pretty fearsome combination in the game too... Azog has multiple attacks, high fight skill and strength and a special rule that he always wounds on 3+... add to that the mobility of the warg and its cavalry charge bonuses and you really wont want to be on the receiving end of one of his charges!

But he's quite a hefty points cost in the game too as you would imagine...

Now that he's done I look forward to giving him a whirl in game ... it will be interesting to see how he does against Beorn!

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