

A Blogger, interrupted...

Dear all,

I would just like to announce that there have been some major goings on affecting 'Bowman Towers' of late... or at least, affecting the 'funding mechanism', keeping Bowman Towers going!

My wife and I have bought our own business together, as we advertised in the local newspaper... as pictured below...

This has been a rapid event, taking 2 months from start to finish, and we feel our feet have hardly touched the ground... getting this all done, in time for the agreed hand over date.

Tuesday was our first day at the helm so to speak, and it has been a bit of a jump in the deep end for us as we get to grip with systems and practices in the business, the computer system in particular, causing me some angst as its one I havent used for 9 years...

This business is also noticeably busier than the one that I have been manager of, prior to this venture.

Now I'll be quite honest here, the last place I was at, was fairly 'cruisy'... and there was certainly spare time to interact with 'social media' in all its various forms... Well the rude shock to my poor little bloggers mind, is that this is likely to come to an abrupt halt, at least until I get the new place figured out...

So, I guess what I am saying is... my blogging output will take a serious dent in the forth coming months, as will my attendance and perusal of your own blogging efforts... I may have time for the odd 'Facebook-like' or 'Google+1'... but that may be it for some time to come...

So I must apologise for my enforced web absence... but rest assured I'll still be in the background beavering away on hobby matters when I get a spare moment... and hope normal service will resume in the not too distant future...

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