

More Moria work...

Underground matters of Moria nature continue to keep me busy... more work over the weekend...

Finally got stairway properly re-positioned and level this time... also built up a more rocky irregular surface to back wall left of causeway (as it was too smooth before), to better match back wall down to right... and lengthened final section of stone bridge across last gully...
With flash...
And with side wall MDF panelled "de-warped" - its now glued into position, and pre-done foam/poly and gallery glued back into position against it...
...No flash... I often wonder which way is best to photograph...
Just need to block up the gap at base and rear corner with more poly chunks and skim the whole in polyfilla again...

After that, I think it will be time to sort flame effects and wiring through base, and battery pack placement and concealment... possibly may include switches so each flame can be switched on individually... though this might be a little OTT? Not that the whole thing isn't already eh? ;-)

So I am kind of back on track to where I should have been a few weeks back now...

While the above was gluing and drying, I started making Balins Tomb. Once again, 'Celevue' has given a very good idea of how to make a detailed tomb in his battle report on One Ring Forum... He's clearly done the hard yards in endlessly staring at the movie footage to see what goes where, so I will be basing my effort upon his excellent example... I doubt this will be quite as detailed as his, but it should make for an interesting skirmish game none the less...

Balins Tomb started...
More to follow...

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