

Uruk Hai Scouts

In between covering myself in PVA glue and polyfilla, I have managed to pick the paintbrush up from time to time too... and before my blog posts become a little boring, with repeated pictures of a certain white rocky staircase... I thought I'd put up some pics of models I finished recently...

Uruk Hai Scouts...

This is one box of 24 (that's the old size boxes)... done. I'll be needing these troops as part of my ongoing Journey-book campaign - they'll get an outing first at Amon Hen, where they break up the Fellowship, and then will see ongoing use through the events of the Two Towers... raiding the Westfold, the battles at the Fords of Isen and on to Helms Deep...

In the movie, these troops look virtually black, but I wanted at least a little colour to them, so after usual black undercoat, I used a dark pallette; using GW Bestial brown for the Uruk skin, and then Foundry 34B, 6A, 31A and GW Rhinox Hide for the various clothing, leather armour effects, rotated around through the various models. The metal armour got the usual Tin Bitz followed by BoltGun drybrush (or Gun metal). Exposed hair was drybrushed Foundry 34B. The whole model then washed in black wash, then the small edge highlights picked out again with the base colour, on the clothing and leather armour, and skin. Facial detail was picked out on those without helmets, and some white-hand marks painted on the exposed faces...

Then, since they're just plastic figures, and not so likely to chip as metal ones are, I didn't bother with the polyurethane gloss varnish, but just went straight to Vallejo matt acrylic brush on varnish. Then based as usual. Thinned PVA on the base, sprinkled on fine beach sand, washed in Vallejo Sepia wash. Dry brushed with Vermin Fur and then 'cream' and finally spots of static grass PVA'ed on.

Job done...

I rather like them, and think they'll make versatile skirmish scouting troops for various scenarios without being the 'tanks' that the main uruk soldiery can be - might give some of my Riders of Rohan a fighting chance then!

I've also got Lurtz lined up to paint, as well as Mauhur, and an Uruk scout command set of banner and drummer. Plus half dozen or so old metal uruk scouts to add to this force... and the scenario scout models carrying Pippin and Merry...

I've got another couple of boxes of plastic scouts too in case I need them. Originally bought for WOTR scale games, not sure I will need them now in the SBG setting, as WOTR seems to have gone phutt! We'll see...

Grrrr "Find the Halflings! Find the Halflings!"...


"They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!" ... ;-)

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