

An Assassin ... across the Seven Seas...

A pirate assassin, AKA 'Edward Kenway', has completed a 12000 nautical mile journey, from the Old World to the Colonies, to seek fame and fortune!

As is already well known to most of my blog readers, NorthStar, in connection with Osprey have released a wonderful range of pirate figures, to accompany the release of the new set of Pirate Rules by Osprey; 'On the Seven Seas'.

I must admit I thought long an hard about buying in to this, as the figures are wonderful... but I already have a ton of Foundry Pirates... and a full set of their c18th civilians awaiting prep and paint... so I coudn't really justify the outlay... but one figure from the range did catch my eye, though more so for my son.

Chris has been a fan of the Assassins Creed series of computer games for sometime, currently culminating, in our household, in edition four; "Black Flag", set in the Golden Age of piracy...

Included in their release, Northstar have paid homage to this character producing a look-a-like 'pirate assassin' figure.

A little banter round the blogging world yielded a surprise offer of this figure for free from the 'Legatus', the fine author of "Legatus' Wargames Armies" blog, and many other fine related blogs. The figure did not appeal to the Legatus and he was happy to offer him up, gratis, to someone who would appreciate the gesture...

Appreciate is not the word!

It's arrival here today at 'Bowman Towers', could not have been better timed... a dismal winter afternoon here down under, with a cold southerly blowing wind and rain, combined with an unfortunate power cable failure of the rail service north of Wellington. This stranded my son and his fellow school chums at the train platform after school en-route home... as mobile phones buzzed into action and parents scrambled to try and pick up stranded kids, and the rail service rushed to put on bus service replacements, chaos ensued...

Finally arriving home, hours later than normal... the pirate figurine brought a smile back to Chris' face!

Chris and 'Edward'
And so on closer inspection, I have a rather nice figure to paint up for him, to be part of our pirate games here.

I do rather like the pose. The mean moody two swords drawn posture, certainly has a 'come and get some' ring about it ... I am busy painting a bunch of Uruks for LOTR, one of which is the scout captain; Mauhur who has a similar pose... very cool!

So to paraphrase Saruman " We have work to do!"... I am sure I can sneak this guy into the painting queue.

Thanks again to the Legatus, for his kind generosity.

If you have not already done so, please check out his blog, which I find very entertaining and not only on hobby matters! Most definitely well worth a read, though I caution you not to do it whilst drinking a hot beverage... I have had to wipe down the monitor on at least one occasion ;-)

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