

Boromir - Captain of the White Tower

Boromir, son of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower...

Boromir, mighty warrior of the Garrison city of Minas Tirith, the Tower of Guard. Long has it dwelt under the shadow of Mordor, and long have its defenses held the darkness in check...

"By the blood of our people , are your lands kept safe!"...
                                                                                                   ... he's got point!

Here in full armour and shield, leader of the defenders of Osgiliath...

"... the city has been reclaimed,... For Gondor!..."

He will be a fine hero to lead my Gondorian forces, in engagements themed prior to his fateful participation in the Quest of Mount Doom....

High Fight skill and Defense...3 Attacks and Wounds, bags of Might , Will and Fate... but a fairly hefty points investment. And as ever The Horn of Gondor... so he can automatically win fights where he is outnumbered if his opponents fail a courage check...

I have managed to source the mounted version with banner also, thanks to Michal in Poland. Just need to track down the foot version with banner... anyone got one they'd part with, drop me a line...

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