

Empire of the Dead - Nosferatu Faction - Thrall with "Big Gun"

A recent return to Empire of the Dead gaming, having enjoyed painting up Baskerville earlier, has had me slotting a few extra models in the main painting queue...

One such extra is this Nosferatu Faction Thrall... another small entry to the Painting Challenge...

I kept the colour palette dark and drab as befits his sinister background.

The eyes were a little tricky being right up against his face-concealing scarf/mask.

He is wielding an enormous Steampunk/VSF gun, that looks something like a ManPacked Gatling gun, or may be a Volleygun. Either way it can lay down some serious fire-power to assist and support the close combat orientated Nosferatu faction.

And if the action still gets a little too close to home for him...

...he has a rather nicely slung sword and scabbard across his back...Drop the big gun, draw the sword, and we're in business!

More to come...

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