

The Dweller in the ... Fridge?

This blogpost title could also be called "Finecast Fail"...

My Dweller in the Dark that I completed a little while ago, has enjoyed his first round of summer weather here at Bowman Towers in the Games-room display cabinet....

Which resulted in a serious droop in posture... basically he bent at the lower leg/ankle position, and drooped forward, till his outstretched arm was touching the ground and it looked like he was trying to lick the floor.

He wasn't in direct sunlight at all, but the room does get rather hot in the summer here in 'kiwiland'.

Not Good!

Thankfully, I was able to remedy his sorry state, with a bowl of bowling water... dipping the base in for a few seconds was enough to bend the legs back into the correct position, then a swift dip in cold water set things nicely.

Thankfully this didnt have any adverse effect on the basing, paint or varnish...

But now, to prevent this happening again, he now lives in the beer fridge in the games room, instead of the display cabinets...

The Dweller in the Fridge! (top left)...
Lets just hope he leaves the beers alone, otherwise I fear to think what his dice rolls will be like in the future...

GW take note - you need to design a material that will withstand more than British summers!

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