

Sir Henry Baskerville - Empire of the Dead

Continuing the Empire of the Dead theme, here's a figure I recently submitted to the "Victorian" Bonus theme round of the Painting Challenge.

This was the only round where I couldn't find a way to use a LOTR/Hobbit figure... I did ponder using either Afrid or the Master of LakeTown as being in appearance as somewhat 'Eccentric Victorians', but felt that was probably stretching things a bit, and besides I still have a pile of Empire of the Dead figures to get done, which are great sculpts and a joy to paint, so... I entered...

Sir Henry Baskerville.

Baskerville is a WestWind, Empire of the Dead figure in 28mm scale, and was released as part of the expansion factions from the EotD Requiem Kickstarter, which I subscribed to quite heavily... and which is still a notable part of my Lead Mountain...

But I digress...

Baskerville is of course based on the character in the novel the Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson...

The novel was adapated to the silver screen many times and has inspired many other adaptions,  and I still recall with some trepidation the B/W movie from 1939 with Basil Rathbone as Holmes. Stirring stuff that saw me peaking over at the TV from behind the sofa, as a little nipper... 

And it somehow seemed appropriate that I get this model done now, as I submitted 'the Hound' to the Challenge, last year!

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