

The Knights of Minas Tirith

Another entry for the Painting Challenge,  6 Knights of Minas Tirith.

I managed to get one of them done in time for the Mount and Rider Bonus Theme Round which had a deadline of 28th Dec. I had hoped to get them all done by then, but of course, Xmas got in the way! No matter. I finished them over the following week or so...

So six hard charging Heavy Knights to add to my growing Gondor Army...

They do feature wonderfully in the doom laden final charge of Faramir and his Knights as they gallop to recapture Osgiliath in The Return of The King movie... at the command of Denethor, Faramirs mournful and increasing unhinged father... A wonderful little interplay of cut scenes shows Pippin commanded to sing to entertain Denethor as he partakes of a light lunch ... and Billy Boyd as Pippin just nails this little piece, a wonderful bit of PJ cinematics...

In the game they have the typical stats of a Warrior of Minas Tirith, with the added bonus of being mounted and wielding a lance, giving +1 chance to wound on the charge...

A couple of close up shots, of the one model submitted to the bonus theme round...

They are fairly straight forward to do, the only tricky bit really being the eyes inside the partially enclosed helmet...

Looking forward to giving them a whirl on the table top, and I must try and get the Mounted Armoured Faramir model done to lead them...

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