

Ruins of Osgiliath (GW) - WIP

A recent great deal with Dave Docherty, netted me some LOTR goodies over Xmas...

Now the Painting challenge is in full swing, and I should be painting, but I find it hard to sit inside on a sunny summer day, and I can't paint outside, but I can trim models... so I trimmed and put together one of these sets of ruins...

They went together quite well, but there were a few gaps to fill - I used DAS clay.

Once the clay was dry I went over with thinned PVA and sand to give them a more dusty/rubbly look...

I've just based undercoat sprayed them, ready for some paint later...

I do rather like these as they have some thickness to them, and have detail on boths sides. And I belive you can add sets together or stick bits on in differing places for variety. I'll see what I do with sets 2 + 3.

I think they will also do for other settings too -  Pirates exploring a lost ruin on a Desert Isle or, the ruins of the old Abbey for Empire of the Dead...

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