

Ruins of Osgiliath

I recently finished my GW LOTR Ruins of Osgiliath set...

Sadly, being terrain, they can't count towards the Painting Challenge, but no matter, I couldn't resist painting them up, and they have already seen action in an Empire of the Dead game, as they are wonderfully generic multi-setting use...

After a black spray primer undercoat, I used FAS student acrylic paints, starting with Burnt Sienna, then dry brushed with Yellow Oxide and then White.

I filled the void under this piece with styrofoam, as suggested and effected a matching stone block look.

I didn't bother basing them as such, so they can be used on any base cloth and blend in nicely...

... plus I have found basing protruding from the edge of terrain pieces often affects model placement and stability... nothing more annoying than a banner that keeps toppling over!

So one set done, I now have to decide if I simply duplicate these with the other two sets I have, or vary their construction... I'll have to have a couple of dry runs and see how things look...

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